Writing romance under a pseudonym

I have a dream.

I’m a die-hard fan of romance novels, and when I decided to try my hand at writing, it was only natural that I wanted to dabble in romance.

I figured that having read thousands of romance novels would automatically qualify me for that job.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Turns out, it’s not that simple. Huh.

I forgot to take into consideration one important fact.

I live in India, and most of my readers would be people I know – friends and family.

I realised that I was very squeamish about them reading romantic/steamy scenes, knowing that I had written them.

All my life, I’ve faced judgement for reading romance novels. That judgement would be so much worse when people found out that I was writing them, as well.

That was the beginning and end of my writing journey.

Or so I thought.

I was grumbling about this to someone, and they asked me if I had to write under my own name.

Of course!

That was the solution to my problem.

I decided to write under a pseudonym, and Rhea Sen was born.

In the next couple of posts, I will talk about the fun and the pitfalls of writing under a pseudonym.

Have you faced such roadblocks in your writing/blogging journey?

Do comment below to tell me about it.

9 thoughts on “Writing romance under a pseudonym

  1. That’s an interesting thing to go through as a writer. I myself don’t have such inhibitions, but I don’t write romance. The only reluctance I have to share my work is that I think it’s crap sometimes. Thanks for sharing and wishing you all the best on your romance-writing journey!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very interesting reason! If people are squeamish – that’s their problem, isn’t it? But if this works better, good luck.

    As you know, I’m an absolute fan of romance, especially books that have a lot of clever conversation in them.

    Looking forward to reading your books under whatever name you publish them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ha ha thats an interesting one. I know what you mean about people one knows, reading what I write- it can be quite daunting. One imagines the judgement too much and it can be scary. All the best with your writing journey Rhea – nice name 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Though I don’t write steamy scenes, I feel hesitant to share certain thoughts in my head with the people who know me, because it would bring up conversations that would lead to problems. I am waiting for that reluctance to go away. I hope one day I would gather the courage. Also, when I write a story or a poem, I hate it when people begin to assume that it is me or my experience I am talking about. Many times, these things are born out of pure imagination. But people would take their time to give advice based on a poem I wrote – I feel that as an insult to my imagination.
    Glad to read about your experience, Rhea. The thought of An assume identity is like having superpowers. I like it. 😊😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Writing Romance Under A Pseudonym – Part Two | Rhea Sen

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